
Friday, March 9, 2012

How to replace Wheel Speed Sensors?

The details are ford and Mercury vehicles.

Wheel Speed Sensor Rings (Toothed Rings)

The front wheel speed sensor rings are integral to the front hub and bearing assemblies.

Wheel Speed Sensors

Instructions are as follows :----
Front Wheel
  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
  2. Disconnect the wheel speed sensor electrical connector.
  3. Remove the 2 scrivets and position aside the fender splash shield.
  4. Remove the wheel speed sensor harness pin-type retainer.
  5. Remove the 2 wheel speed sensor harness retainers.
  6. Remove the bolt and the wheel speed sensor.
To install:
  1. To install, reverse the removal procedure and tighten the speed sensor bolt to 71 inch lbs. (8 Nm).
Rear Wheel
All Wheel Drive
Specific to:
Ford Taurus 2008-2009
Mercury Sable 2008-2009
  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
  2. Disconnect the wheel speed sensor electrical connector.
  3. Remove the wheel speed sensor bolt.
  4. On the left side, release the wheel speed sensor harness spring clip and the 2 pin-type retainers from the rear control arm.
  5. Release the wheel speed sensor harness spring clip and the 2 pin-type retainers from the rear control arm.
  6. On the right side, release the 3 pin-type retainers and remove the wheel speed sensor.
To install:
  1. To install, reverse the removal procedure and tighten the speed sensor bolt to 71 inch lbs. (8 Nm).
Front Wheel Drive Models
Specific to:
Ford Taurus 2008-2009
Mercury Sable 2008-2009
  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
  2. Disconnect the wheel speed sensor electrical connector.
  3. Remove the 2 rivets and position aside the fender splash shield.
  4. Remove the wheel speed sensor harness pin-type retainer.
  5. Remove the 2 wheel speed sensor harness retainers.
  6. Remove the bolt and the wheel speed sensor.
To install:
  1. To install, reverse the removal procedure and tighten the speed sensor bolt to 71 inch lbs. (8 Nm).

This details will help.

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